Green Building
The Beauty of Green
Building with EPS Structural Insulated Panels creates a solution that benefits the
environment and your wallet. Designed to lower overall household energy consumption, emissions and indoor water consumption, an EPS home combines building science with high performance products to create new homes that are environmentally friendly.
What are the benefits of building green?
Environmental benefits
Enhance and protect biodiversity and ecosystems
Improve air and water quality
Reduce waste streams
Conserve and restore natural resources
Economic benefits
Reduce operating costs
Create, expand, and shape markets for green product and services
Improve occupant productivity
Optimize life-cycle economic performance
Social benefits
Enhance occupant comfort and health
Heighten aesthetic qualities
Minimize strain on local infrastructure
Improve overall quality of life
Building Green
Keys to Getting Started
Have an environmentally
friendly site selection or "footprint"
Some of the factors involved are orientation of the house to maximize natural sunlight for heat and light, as well as shade for cooling. As a result, the home's furnace and air conditioning dosen't have to work as hard to maintain a comfortable home.
Use energy efficient designs and materials to build a "tighter" home
Less outside air infiltrating the home creates an indoor climate that is much easier to control. Also consider using LED lights and Energy Star certified appliances.
Stress material conservation and waste reduction while using sustainable products
Engineers in the building materials business have designed all kinds of products to save lumber by using optimal value engineered joists and beams that require minimal trimming and boring for mechanical runs. Green builders can even recycle job-site waste and it for yard mulch.